Compliance and regulatory

One consequence of globalisation is the increased complexity of legal and regulatory compliance, with ever-evolving local and international regulatory, consumer, investor and other key stakeholders’ expectations on good corporate ethics. What has been consistent is the global push to increase corporate transparency and that those falling foul of expectations are seeing a rise in the costs of non-compliance.

At Tiang & Partners we are uniquely positioned to provide clients with advice throughout the regulatory cycle – from the proactive design and implementation of policies and procedures to the reactive response to whistleblower concerns or regulatory intervention. We collaborate with our partners across PwC’s extensive legal network as well as other specialists in PwC, such as Assurance, Cyber, Forensic or Tax advisors, to offer clients a total and holistic, local and international solution to their compliance and regulatory needs.

We are more than legal advisers, we speak the language of compliance. Our team at Tiang & Partners is made up of former senior in-house counsel, experienced advisers who have worked for companies in multiple jurisdictions across Asia, Europe and the US. We therefore understand the importance of carefully balancing good corporate compliance with sensible implementation, avoiding unnecessary disruption or innovation whilst at the same time managing corporate risks. Our team also includes ex-regulators, providing us with unique insights into government expectations, further allowing us to support on designing and implementing reasonable and proportionate regulatory frameworks. Which is why we become trusted advisors to our clients.

In Hong Kong and China our practice is diverse but below are some key areas of focus:

  • Anti-trust compliance, filings and investigations
  • Business ethics and culture (including compliance training and "speak up" programs)
  • Cybersecurity and data privacy
  • Financial crime compliance (including bribery and corruption, money laundering, sanctions and tax evasion)
  • Fraud (including asset recovery)
  • Internal and regulatory investigations and enforcement action (including deadline with “dawn raids” and whistleblower concerns)

Should you have any compliance concerns or queries, do contact one of our experts below. Our unique global and multi-disciplinary compliance team is ready to help keep you on top of the ever-changing regulatory landscape.

In preparation of the China’s first Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), we have prepared a bilingual flyer to discuss the new China data privacy compliance requirements.

Download Flyer on New China data privacy compliance requirements – English


Contact us

Martyn Huckerby

Martyn Huckerby

Registered Foreign Lawyer (New South Wales, Australia), Tiang & Partners

Tel: +[852] 2833 4918

Chiang Ling Li

Chiang Ling Li

Partner, Tiang & Partners

Tel: +[852] 2833 4938